About Testogel (Androgel)

Testosterone is a major male hormone, which is necessary for normal development of male organism. Its deficiency causes pathological condition called hypogonadism. There are different testosterone containing medications, which help to restore the balance of hormones in men. One of the most popular drugs for this purpose is Testogel and in this article we will provide full review of this medicine.

Composition and release form

Testogel is for transdermal use only. It is produced in the form of gel packed into 5 mg sachets. Each sachet contains 50 mg of testosterone, which is the active substance. The gel also contains carbomer (for gel formation), isopropyl myristate and ethanol (for better absorption).


Testosterone is very important for male organism.  It affects the development of sexual characteristics during pubertal period (enlargement of penis, hair growth, voice mutation etc).

It also affects libido and muscle growth in adult men. Testosterone deficiency leads to hormonal failure, which is called hypogonadism.

After application the gel is absorbed through the skin at the rate of 10-15% of the applied dose. Absorption of testosterone into the blood stream occurs in a relatively constant concentration throughout the day. Usually therapeutic concentrations become available from the second day of use.

The low rate of absorption and gradual penetration into the blood is more beneficial than high doses as with intramuscular administration. It resembles natural fluctuations of endogenous testosterone and therefore does not affect the liver.

The concentration decreases in 24 hours after the last dose, and completely restores to the previous levels in three days. The major metabolites of testosterone are dihydrotestosterone and estradiol.


Testogel is used for testosterone replacement therapy in case of:

  • Reduced libido
  • Depression
  • Bone problems due to the lack of hormone (osteoporosis)
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Constant fatigue


  • Intolerance or hypersensitivity to any component of the gel
  • Any suspicion of cancer or tumors.
  • Women and children.
  • Cardiac ischemia and heart failure.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diseases of liver and kidneys.
  • Epilepsy and severe headaches (migraine).

Side effects

The use of the gel can lead to undesirable effects.

  • Changes in lipid composition of the blood
  • Hypertrophy of prostate gland
  • Gynecomastia
  • Changes of mood, aggression
  • Dizziness, weakness
  • High blood pressure
  • Hair loss (alopecia)
  • Skin irritation

How to use

Apply Testogel on a dry and clean skin. Distribute the gel on the skin with a thin layer. The best areas for application are abdomen, shoulders and arms. Allow it to dry for 5 minutes, after that get dressed. The recommended dose is 5 gr of gel (or one sachet)a day.


The active agent of the drug is not always compatible with certain medications. Use it with care if you take corticosteroids. Those who take anticoagulants should monitor the blood test during the entire period of therapy.

Security measures

Properly wash your hands after each application of the gel.

Ensure that the areas of application are covered with clothes. Don’t let other people contact the gel, especially children and women.

Bathing or taking shower is not recommended to for at least 6 hours after the procedure.

Wash yourself properly before sexual intercourse. Don’t let you sexual partner contact the gel as it may cause virilization in women.   

In case of side effects consult a doctor.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store it at room temperature. Keep Testogel away from children and women. Use before the expiration date.

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